Plugins & Extensions

We specialize in developing custom plugins and extensions tailored to enhance website functionality and user experience. Our team has extensive experience creating versatile solutions for various platforms, ensuring seamless integration and compatibility. Whether you're looking to add new features, improve performance, or streamline workflows, we craft plugins that align with your specific needs. We prioritize scalability, security, and ease of use, helping you optimize your digital environment.

Our plugins


2-factor authentication in ResourceSpace


This 2FA custom plugin secures ResourceSpace by asking users to input the verification code sent through email at the time of login. It adds an extra layer of authentication beyond passwords, making internal users', partners', and contractors' access safe.

The plugin has several settings (such as code expiry or login attempt limit), which provides both secure and seamless login experience to the organizations using ResourceSpace.

You can read more information on this plugin on our blog post.


Auto Catalog SEO URL


We often need to create SEO-friendly URLs, based on various rules, such as presence of entity ID or language. Our extension automates this process, adding some valuable functionalities like custom or predefined transliteration, packed in a simple and understandable interface.

The extension offers predefined URL options for the following OpenCart entities:

- products (add/remove product ID, language, model or SKU)

- categories (add/remove category ID and language)

- manufacturers (add/remove manufacturer ID and language)

- information pages (add/remove page ID or language)

All rules are applied upon creation or modification of the entities (when empty), using unified rules for any entities of a certain kind

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Log DB queries


DB queries logger is a strictly development tool, used for logging and optimisation of database queries in Opencart.

Logging is invoked 'on demand' by adding a GET parameter called 'dblog' in the browser's address bar of your page. All logs are stored in the default logs directory.

You can also order your logged queries, using a second GET parameter - sortcount. If present, queries are ordered by number of occurencies, else they are ordered by their execution time.

If none of the parameters is present, logging is not performed.

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General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR)


In recent years, the EU has prioritized product safety in online retail. Latest result is the introduction of the General Product Safety Regulation (GPSR). Introduced mid 2023 the directive will become effective starting December 13, 2024. This regulation seeks to guarantee that all products on the market adhere to top safety standards, thus enhancing consumer confidence in online shopping platforms.

This extension will help your online store meet GPSR compliance requirements. It will allow you to show your customers all required details about your products, related to the directive.

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Enbable/disable affiliate program


A lot of stores do not need affiliate program or lack the opportunity to temporary disable it. This useful setting is missing in the original OpenCart installation, but we took care of this - now managing the status of your affiliate program is not a problem.

All you need to do is download this plugin, install it, refresh your modifications and you will be in control of your Affiliate program

In order to enable or disable the program, go to System>Settings and click on Edit icon for the store you want to manage. The setting for the status of Affiliate Program (enabled or disabled) is found in the Option tab, Affiliates section.

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Twitter (X) card metadata for products


When someone shares a link to your webpage on Twitter, the Twitter bot crawls the page and looks for Twitter meta tags. Based on the metadata, Twitter will render a card that visually represents your content, helping to make it more engaging and likely to attract clicks.

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Simple Open Graph metadata for products


This extension includes Open Graph (OG) metadata set of tags, that alows social media platforms to extract and display information such as titles, descriptions, and images in a visually appealing way when the link is shared. Without OG metadata, social media platforms often just pull random or incomplete information from the webpage, leading to suboptimal previews.

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Product ID in products list


This extensions does a really simple thing - it adds the ID of products in the product listing, no more, no less. All you need to do is to install the plugin, refresh your Modifications (in Extensions > Modifications) and voila, you can see the product ID and sort the list using this property.

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Simple JSON-LD structured data for products


This snippet adds JSON-LD structured data to the product pages of your web shop. In the context of product pages, JSON-LD snippets are used to provide search engines with detailed structured information about a product, such as its name, description, price, availability, brand, and more.

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